״And if you labor with love, you will be one with yourself,
with all of humanity, and with God״
~Gibran Khalil Gibran~
Shira Golan שירה גולן - Love is the way / אהבה היא הדרך / المحبه هي الطريق
The Middle east music project - Highlight:
Peace Gathering - Highlight:
Man and the light - الانسان والنور
Shira Golan and Miriam Tokan book together to sing in Hebrew and Arabic for true unity and peace between nations
Lyrics: galila ohavet zion | Melody: shira golan
Ask for peace - اطلب السلامة
Shira Golan hosts Tamar Shawki
Prayer for peace and unity. Hebrew and Arabic
Lyrics: Psalms 34 | Melody: Baruch hayat
״Depart from evil,
and do good,
seek peace,
and pursue it״
~Psalms Chapter 34~
Shira Golan, a soul singer, artist, Israeli Jewish woman, and mother... She dedicates her work to fostering connection and peace between the peoples of the Middle East and humanity as a whole. Shira sings in Hebrew, Arabic, and English, and is currently initiating sacred singing and prayer gatherings for peace, aimed at both Arab and Jewish audiences as a tool to increase light. She is also creating multicultural women's communities to promote an equal and compassionate society, in the hope of ending conflict and wars, and creating a new world - a better and kinder one, filled with growth and prosperity for all. Shira's music serves as a global healing force, connecting East and West, and bridging worlds... Shira grew up in a mixed secular home, with her father of Libyan descent and her mother of Polish descent. Her family home resonated with Hebrew, Arabic, Yiddish, and Polish, sparking in her a passion to create harmony between cultures and to bridge the divides in her family and in society. Over the years, singing has become not only a form of expression for Shira but also a channel for healing and connecting to her soul and spiritual path. Shira's yearning for unity and her love for Arab society and culture led her to delve deeply into classical Arabic singing and the study of maqam theory. She collaborates with female singers and artists from the Arab community, spiritual leaders from all religions, and performs with organizations such as "Women Wage Peace" and "Sisters of the Sun." She actively participates in events that promote partnership and equality between Israelis and Palestinians. With the outbreak of war and after completing her studies in a "Cross-Cultural Leadership" course, Shira and her partners founded the multicultural women's community "Creating Reality - صانعات الوَاقِع" for Jewish, Arab, Circassian, Ethiopian, and women from all religions, ethnicities, and sectors. They gather in nature to create a new and egalitarian world based on humanity without gender distinctions. "Believing that peace is sustainable and understanding that I must take full responsibility and choose peace within myself moment by moment, I adopt the phrase 'I Am Peace' as an inner compass for myself and my life, guiding me in my relationships with my family, neighbors, and the world."
אני שלום
I Am Peace
انا سلام